Wednesday, August 14, 2019

What is an Editorial Illustration?

Why they are used, and What makes them work.

When I tell people that I am an illustrator, they usually think that I illustrate childrens' books.  After I tell them that most of what I do is editorial illustration, they look confused.

Editorial illustrations function to drive home a point - usually for a written piece - to make it clear, memorable,  and intriguing.  Its purpose must be grasped almost immediately - illustrations are worthless if you have to ponder their meaning.

The illustration I included above refers to the gas attacks on the Syrian people in 2018.   I specifically wanted to highlight how the attacks rent Syrian culture.

I juxtaposed two disparate elements - a gas mask and a sculpture - to make my point.  Putting these two elements together creates surprise, curiosity, and finally, recognition.  If these three elements occur quickly, right after viewing the illustration, the piece is successful.  (Of course, the picture must be designed and executed well.)

I love doing editorial illustrations.  Though they are challenging, when I hit my target, the feeling is thrilling.